Today, i went to Great America again! I grew bored of the rides, it doesn't seem fun to me anymore i used to like them alot but i don't feel the same way anymore. On the brighter side, there are always hot chicks in the theme park, always! Can't keep my eyes off them! Left the place at 3:30 because we had to go for a party. Party was goooood!
I played poker for the first time. Chips, cards, cold drinks and snacks . It's so fun playing with the adults. They taught me a few lessons in playing poker, 'the game of bluff" hahaha! I won all the chips on the last round, everyone went all in and my cards was the biggest! 4 of a kind! Luckily we played one eyed jacks and wild 2's ! If not it would have been impossible!
What a day~ Definitely a gooooood day! i enjoyed it :)